Saturday, July 31, 2010

Happy Birthday Sweet Baby Girls!

It's hard to believe it's been 3 years! Three whole years! It seems just like yesterday, I was waddling around, holding my ginormous belly, and sweating non stop. Miserable. I would do it all over again and again - just to experience the joy and happiness you guys have brought to us.

Me at 27 weeks, just 2 weeks before I was put on bed rest.

Bringing you guys home from the hospital was a milestone. We had been there over a week and struggled to get you guys out of the NICU. You were healthy but oh so tiny. So itty bitty. It's amazing to look at you now and remember those first weeks.

My sweetest Jillian, you are such a sweet soul. You have the sweetest sing-song voice I have ever heard. Your hugs and kisses can change a bad mood instantly! I love to snuggle with you. You love to run. In fact, you never stop. You love to strap on your cape and run through the house yelling, "TO THE RESCUE!" You are by far, the most daring child I have ever known. There isn't a rock, fence, or jungle gym that you won't climb. This is difficult for me to watch because you inherited my clumsiness. You LOVE all sorts of animals. You were the first to jump in and feed the goats at Deanna Rose. You are kind and gentle. You have such a wild imagination. You love to play pretend - whether you are calling Aunt Suzie on your barbie phone or giving Mickey Mouse a bath at bathtime. Your Woody doll is a constant companion. You have all sorts of conversations with him. You would eat peanut butter and jelly for every meal if I let you. You aren't big on veggies or trying new foods, but you do love salad and tomatoes! You are hilarious and silly. I love you to infinity and beyond!

My sweetest Katelyn, you are such a bright star. You are a leader and love to take charge of every situation. You get the bossiness from me. :) You love to be the life of the party. Your favorite thing is to dress up and pretend to be a princess. The look on your face while seeing your reflection in the mirror is priceless. You exclaim, "Ohhhhh, I am so beautiful!" while holding your hands out to the side and doing twirls. Yes, my love you are indeed beautiful! You love to shop and look at clothes (God help me). If you see a dress you like, you scream "OHHHH MOMMY! IT'S BEAUTIFUL! I LUB IT!" You love your sister with a passion. If we separate you guys, you immediately become upset. You love your barbies, playing dollhouse, putting on makeup, playing ponies, wearing dresses, and loving on Bailey. That poor dog is so patient and secretly loves to play dress up! You love your daddy with a passion and will follow him anywhere. You love vegetables, even broccoli. You have no problem trying new foods. You are very aware of the house rules and are quick to let me know when Jill breaks one. I love you to pieces!

1 comment:

Lindsey said...

Happiest birthday sweet wonder twins. Auntie Chinzy loves you to pieces!