Wednesday, May 5, 2010


Oh my gosh. My mouth has finally failed me. My kids are repeating my words. I knew this was going to happen. I KNEW THIS! Why didn't I heed the warnings?! There have certainly been warning signs - Katelyn screwing up her face in anger and screaming, "HUSH BAILEY!" to the dogs and Jillian mimicking my private moments, down to scrubbing my feet with the Ped Egg and putting deodorant on. They watch my every move. How terrifying. Well, now they repeat everything. I am mortified. Pretty sure my mom is laughing and rolling by now. She knew "one of these days you will have a kid that is twice as bad as you are!" Folks, there is truth in the saying. I wouldn't consider my children 'bad', but challenging - yes indeed. Have your moment laughing mom. You deserve it after putting up with me.

Earlier this morning, I was reprimanding Katelyn for playing with her cereal and not eating it. She boldly turned around to me and hollered, "Shut IT MOMMY!" Oh holy terror. Oh holy smokes. My kid just told me to "SHUT IT". Fantastic. See, when the dogs are endlessly barking, Jason and I have been known to say "SHUT IT MURPHY." Oh Holy Batman and Robin, my kids are now telling ME to shut it.

The next person to curse or say inappropriate things around my little heathens, err angels, gets a time out in the corner. Myself included. :(

1 comment:

Mari Rydings said...

We've had a few of those moments here, too. :-)