Friday, June 6, 2008

I love Mountain Buggy

I have had the hardest time getting a stroller. I searched and researched all sorts of strollers and finally decided that I would get a Baby Jogger City Mini Double. So I ordered one on 4/29. Delivery was scheduled for 2-3 weeks. I salivated and waited while pushing and struggling with my double snap and go and infant seats. The girls have wayyyy outgrown them. Three weeks went by and I was on the phone with the internet store I bought it from. Apparently Baby Jogger did not realize how popular the City Mini Double was going to be and had COMPLETELY SOLD OUT. So, they had to go manufacture some more. Just great, huh?! I spent another week and a half waiting. Still nothing. I called again and they said that it may be up to 4 more weeks. Oh no, no, no! So, I decided to cancel my order and choose another stroller. I finally ordered a Mountain Buggy Urban Double. I have to say that I am in love. I can push it with one hand and it fits easily through standard doors. The girls seem to like it also. They especially like chewing on the safety harness!

1 comment:

Blain&Deedra said...

Good Stroller is the salvation of a twin mom. Glad you found yours. For me I got the Aria twin when I was still preggo and have never regretted my decision. I love the hairdo. My girls hair always stick straight up in the back, and now people ask me if I do it on purpose. HA!!!