Thursday, December 18, 2008

Oh the weather outside is frightful....

There is no other way to put is cold.  Really stinking cold here in Kansas.  I was really excited that today's high was 37.  The highs this week have been under 20, so 37 is warm.  How pathetic is that?!  We got about 4 inches of snow earlier this week, so trudging around with the girls has been limited.  We have spent much of the week indoors playing.  Here are some pictures I have taken this week.

Yeah, I am not winning any "Mother of the Year" awards for my kids watching tv.

Totally engrossed and kickin' it in the lazy boys

Murphy got a new sweater.  He won't move unless you offer a 'cookie treat'.  Once he does start walking he leans to the right.  A little off kilter...kind of like all of us.

Here's Bailey showing off his new Captains sweater.  It fits him perfectly as the "Head babysitter/Chief Guard of all things baby/Head of Household security/Neighborhood Watchdog".

Murphy thinks it is too stinking cold also and makes a beeline for the door.

Kate giving Jill wanted or unwanted hugs.  You be the judge!

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