Monday, August 2, 2010

More Park Playtime with our cousins!

I don't need to reiterate how hot it was the week Suzanne and her family visited. I think you can see the red faces and the sweat in the pictures. The day before, we left Deanna Rose fairly early in order to cool off at the pool. So we promised the kiddos we would take them to a park the next day. Had it cooled off any outside? Neh. About 45 minutes into the 'park experience' Jillian peed her pants. Awesome. I was secretly happy because sweating is not my thing. Sweating while working out is great. Sweating while trying to have fun is not great. So we started to pack up the kids to head home. Well, Katelyn wasn't ready to head home. In fact, she let the whole park and everyone within a 1 mile radius know that she was NOT HAPPY about going home. It was a full on throw-yourself-down-kick-and-scream fit. It was crazy. I am consoling one child for having a potty accident and pulling the other across the park while she is screaming, kicking, and hollering. Awe-some. I am pretty sure Philip was shuddering and having flashbacks to when Avery was a toddler. He was just glad it was me and not him. Hilarious. Not.

I see you Ryland!

It's Spidey Nut!

Ryland "Bieber" Rogers enjoying the sun!

Look mom - no hands! I am Spidey Man!

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