Friday, January 16, 2009

I Tuck, I Tuck

Both of the girls have learned to say "I'm stuck", but it is more like "I tuck".  I was throwing a load of laundry in yesterday and kept hearing, "I tuck, I tuck, I tuck" over and over.  I peeked around the corner, and indeed both of the girls were stuck. 

As a side note: As I am going through the pictures I feel bad that my girls hair looks so terrible. Yes, each picture their hair looks all jacked up. I swear I comb it. Sometimes several times a day. Right now the air is so dry and the static electricity is well, shocking. As soon as I comb their hair, it looks as though they have a hairy swim cap on. I have given up if we are at home. I will still battle the evil static electricity with bows and pony tails if we leave the house.

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