Tuesday, May 11, 2010


Jillian has the greatest imagination! She loves pretend play. Loves, loves, loves! During bath time last week she even bathed her imaginary friend - "Stand up Mickey so I can wash your legs, etc." Too adorable! One of her favorite games is running from Swiper. Both of the girls will tear through the house saying "Hurry Kate, Hurry Jill - HERE COMES SWIPER!" I love just sitting on the outskirts and watching her imagine and pretend play.

So the other day, the girls and I trekked down the block to retrieve the mail. Jillian insisted on wearing her belt and tucking her baby into it. All along the way, she talked to her baby, "Hold on baby we are crossing the street. OH NO! Baby fell! There you go baby!" I am sure we were a sight to see. :)

Katelyn is the princess of the house. Lately all she wants to wear is a dress. "I wear princess dress today!" Oh and God forbid you put a pair of shorts or pants on her. It's a trip to fit city. A trip you will never forget. She loves to dance and sing. It doesn't matter whether you are in the living room or in the backyard, she wants you to sing so she can dance. If you have heard me sing, then you understand why this is challenging for me.

And just to top of the cute factor - a few snuggles together!

1 comment:

Mari Rydings said...

The girls are getting so big! They are truly adorable. We need to hook the girls up sometime. At our house, Ruthie has the big imagination, and Audrey is all about being a princess. She wants to wear skirts and dresses every day. I have to talk Ruthie into wearing a dress/skirt.